15 Best Upper-Body Stretches For Sweet Release


SEP 3, 2024


Not only does this stretch warm up the shoulders, but it increases shoulder mobility by working the deltoids and rotator cuff muscles, says Dinkins 

Why to do:

1. Arm Circle

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


This stretch improves flexibility and mobility in the spine which helps release and relieve back tension, says Dinkins. 

Why to do:

2. Cat Camel

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


Child’s pose is a classic for a reason: It relaxes the back muscles and gently stretches the shoulders and spine, per Dinkins 

Why to do:

3. Child’s Pose

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


Shoulder rolls are like a two-for-one: They release tension in the shoulders and improve mobility. 

Why to do:

4. Shoulder Roll

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


This full-body stretch targets the shoulders, hamstrings, and calves to improve flexibility and relieve muscle tension, says Dinkins. 

Why to do:

5. Downward Dog

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


It looks simple, but Dinkins says this exercise strengthens the muscles between the shoulder blades and improves posture. 

Why to do:

6. Scapular Retraction

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


This stretch targets the upper back and shoulders to improve flexibility and relieve tension, says Dinkins. 

Why to do:

7. Thread The Needle

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


As the name suggests, this move is known to loosens the triceps, but Dinkins says it also increases shoulder flexibility. 

Why to do:

8. Overhead Triceps Stretch

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


This stretch targets the deltoids and helps reduce shoulder stiffness, says Dinkins. 

Why to do:

9. Cross Body Stretch

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


Inchworms help build strength in your shoulders and core, while also improving overhead stability and shoulder mobility, says Fata-Chan. 

Why to do:

10. Inchworm

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


This is a great move for loosening the chest muscles, minimizing neck and back pain, and opening the shoulder blades, says Fata-Chan. 

Why to do:

11. ‘W’ Open-And-Close

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


Aside from strengthening your shoulders, Fata-Chan says band pull-aparts are great for loosening the upper-back. 

Why to do:

12. Band Pull-Apart

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


This is a great functional movement for stretching the front of your shoulders and strengthening the upper back, mid back, and triceps, says Fata-Chan. 

Why to do:

13. Sphinx Pushup

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


This is a great stretch for opening the chest and shoulders to help counteract poor posture, says Dinkins. It also loosens the pectorals and anterior deltoids. 

Why to do:

14. Behind-The-Back Stretch

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com


Chair dips are a great way to stretch your pecs while simultaneously strengthening your triceps, says Fata-Chan. 

Why to do:

15. Chair Dip

Source: www.womenshealthmag.com

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